Dagostino Progression Amplifiers

The Progression M550 Mono Amplifier combines two normally exclusive traits—remarkable power output and exquisite musical finesse. Power is essential to great sound reproduction. The significant power output of the Progression M550 Mono Amplifier provides the unflappable power source required for distortion-free driver motion. Of course, the amplifiers will play loud but it is the control of the speaker drivers that distinguish these amplifiers from typical designs.

Sharing much of the same topology and housing from its bigger brother, the Progression S350 Stereo Amplifier is a perfect option when the Progression M550 Mono Amplifiers are beyond the requirements for a given listening environment or loudspeaker. A dedicated stereo input stage is employed to maximize the performance of the Progression amplifier output circuitry. If circumstances change, the Progression S350 Stereo Amplifier may be upgraded to the Progression M550 Mono Amplifier.

Driving an amplifier properly is an absolutely essential job in a high performance audio system. It requires a preamplifier to do this correctly and not simply a volume control. The Progression Preamplifier is the perfect choice for this job for this job when using the Progression M550 or Progression S350 amplifiers. Pairing the Progression Preamplifier with the Progression M550 or Progression S350 amplifiers completes the Progression system and creates a formidable electronics choice for any system.

The Progression Integrated adds another level of performance, feature set, and convenience to the D’Agostino product lineup. Potent power output, rich detailed sound, and optional modules combine into a platform that offers the sound quality and convenience that is unmatched in a one piece solution. The aesthetic and sound quality of the Progression Integrated Amplifier delivers the full D’Agostino experience in an elegant and flexible package.